If you're a big-time coffee lover, we have some really good news for you. A clinical study driven by renowned researchers has recently claimed that regular intake of coffee can eliminate the risk of various health problems. Yep, we’re nodding as hard as you. Coffee indeed is the solution to every human problem!

Mike Kenneally/Unsplash | Recent studies have shown that coffee could be the best way to prevent serious ailments
Jokes aside though, usually when people think of coffee, the first thought that strikes their mind is an intense boost of energy (and that’s actually right). But according to these recent findings, coffee offers many other insane health benefits like maintaining sugar levels, reducing the risk of liver cancer, and more.
A closer look into the study
For the study in question, researchers paid close attention to people who consume coffee on a regular basis and who also suffer from serious health conditions like cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and liver diseases. What they found was actually pretty surprising.
Coffee contains a lot of nutrients like vitamin B-2, vitamin B-3, magnesium, potassium, and a whole lot of antioxidants. Bet you didn't know that! In fact, doctors and health experts claim that these ingredients can benefit the human body in magical ways. But while it may seem to be an elixir descended from heaven, as of now, this evidence isn’t enough to prove that coffee is more good than bad.

Dan Dimmock/Unsplash | Researchers have found that coffee is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which can help boost health and bodily functions
Looking at the bright side – the benefits coffee offers
As mentioned, more research is needed to firmly prove these benefits, but experts do believe coffee could hold the key to improving:
Cardiovascular health
A study conducted in 2012 concluded that consumption of a moderate amount of coffee (around two 8-ounce servings per day) can improve heart health and eliminate the chances of heart failure. People who consume a decent (not too much) amount of coffee per day were reported to witness a dip of 11% in terms of heart failures. But that’s not to ignore that some studies also found increased levels of cholesterol and blood lipids in people who consumed a high dosage of coffee.
Liver cancer
Research originated in Italy claims that coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by 40%. To top it off, some researchers also state that people who consume three cups of coffee per day might have a 50% lower risk of having liver cancer. Wonder if a person consuming six cups a day be totally immune!

Mario Ibrahimi/Unsplash | Some experts believe a balanced coffee intake can help prevent cardiovascular diseases as well as liver cancer
Type-2 diabetes
In 2014, researchers gathered data on over 48,000 people and found that those who consumed high amounts of coffee for the last 4 years had an 11% lower risk of suffering from type-2 diabetes. In fact, people who consumed around four-six cups of decaffeinated or caffeinated coffee were at bay from metabolic syndromes, including type-2 diabetes. Strange how human bodies work!
Bottom line
As they say, the key to balance lies in moderation. Anything, when consumed within limits, doesn't harm your body. So you can definitely enjoy coffee in moderate amounts. But remember, it's essential to be mindful with your caffeine intake. After all, it's a stimulant, and consuming too much of it can be harmful to your body. So be careful, do your research and see what works for your body. Till next time, stay healthy and happy!