How often has it happened to you that you are standing before a fridge that is nowhere close to the fridge you see on TV, and wonder what you can cook with such meager ingredients? Half a loaf of bread and a pat of butter do not a sous chef make! While eggs, toast, and that leftover cheese can work for most of us, especially on those days when you are too tired to cook anything else. But, if you take another peek into your refrigerator you may find that you still have ingredients that can rustle up a quick meal and we are not talking about instant noodles or bread and butter here. You just need a handful of pantry staples to make the perfect recipe.
Grilled Cheese
Cheese can go with anything, literally anything, so when you have absolutely nothing to make at home, look for cheese in your fridge. If you need a warm something to perk you up, especially when it is a bit too cold for comfort outside, pack in the extra amount of cheese in your sandwich and girl it right till you get the gooey texture you need in your cheese the salsa grilled sandwich can warm your insides and the perfect recipe to make you feel instantly better! This is what you can call a lazy night done right!
Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich
What's your comfort food? Ours is the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that is filling (thanks to the protein punch from peanuts) and tastes really delicious! You can make it even tastier and more fun by adding slices of bananas and waffles. It's the perfect antidote if you are feeling a little down and out. Also, perfect for the late-night Netflix binge sessions, when you need to stuff your face but do not want to go overboard on the fried and junk stuff!
Pancakes For The Win
What can 1 banana, two eggs and a pat of butter do? Make your delicious pancakes. Don't forget to grease up your pan though and if you are feeling a little extra fancy, then you can add some choco chips, and blueberries, and you can earn yourself extra brownie points as a chef. Also, if you want to make your pancakes Instagram-worthy adds some rainbow sprinkles and there you have that perfect little pancake that is an answer to your growling stomach and your perceptive tongue! Who said healthy and tasty can never marry together?
Scrambled Eggs to The Rescue
Scrambled eggs are a great breakfast option, eggs are an absolute favorite for any novice chef simply because they are so versatile and can be made in any way you want. Even if you add a lot of stuff into it, read cheese, vegetables, mushrooms, and meat, it still can turn out to be absolutely perfect.
Go mad with seasonings and throw in a bit of butter or olive oil you like and you have the best food option ever. It helps that eggs are chock-a-block with a whole lot of nutrients and taste yum too. Choline, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, it has it all and more, make this first thing in the morning and you will have a banger of breakfast without sabotaging your diet. ( if you are on any).
Sweet Potato Toasts
If you want to swap your bread with something healthier, then try these sweet potato toasts, also it is gluten-free so great for those who are trying to get a gut-friendly version of the humble toast. Not to forget, a fresh sweet potato has tons of nutrients. The recipe is also pretty simple, to rustle up. Do you have to decide what you want to have it with? Topping it with peanut butter, jelly topping, and almond cheery sound great!
Avocado Toast
The avocado toast is still trending on social media, and why not it does not only look great, it tastes pretty yum too and it has got a whole lot of nutrients that are great for your health, not only that it can be made in 10 minutes flat. The fats in avocado are a good kind of fats and trim your waist, also is heart-healthy. Just slice your avocado and line them over your sourdough bread (if you want to keep it healthy and fancy) and then comes the avocado on top. Add salt, and cayenne pepper and you have the perfect breakfast option to keep you full till lunchtime!
These staples are a must-add to your menu list if you want to rustle up something quick, healthy, and comforting!