The New Orleans actor's eating habits are considered quite bizarre by some. Perhaps, his gravestone should read: ‘Nicolas Cage: The man who only ate animals that mated in a dignified manner.’

Rare Mirror | Nicolas Cage has owned an octopus as a pet, and a two-headed king cobra that allegedly tried to kill the actor
It’s safe to say there’s a strange relationship between Nicolas Cage and animals in general. He has owned an octopus as a pet, and a two-headed king cobra that allegedly tried to kill the actor. His collection of rare animals is quite fascinating but where exactly does one even keep an eight-legged octopus at home?
He also has a monitor lizard wearing a top hat tattooed on his back, and in 1989, he ate a live cockroach for the movie ‘Vampire Kiss’. In 2009, he brought the two-headed snake as his bodyguard while filming the movie Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call.
Cage says he loves animals and he has proven this statement to be true over the years. Now the Oscar winner has linked his choice of meats to how decent the mating process of the animal is.
Although he had mentioned in The Guardian that he has a “fascination with fish, birds, whales, sentient life, insects and reptiles,” still, no one would have guessed there could be such a correlation between an animal’s mating style and his diet.

Unsplash | Cage isn't a big fan of eating pork meat
Knowing the nature and eccentric character of Nicolas Cage, his strange dietary preferences shouldn’t come as such a surprise, but this one honestly takes the cake. The important question here would be why his choice of food is based on the animals' mating process but do we really want to know? We're fairly certain that his reasoning would be equally bizarre.
Recently, Cage mentioned to The Sun that he didn’t eat pork meat but was fine with eating birds and fish. His reason wasn’t religious or based on any scientific fact, or even for health reasons; it was simply because of the manner in which they mated. It’s unreal to think that there’s no reason other than that.
Maybe what we need to do is sit and watch the Discovery channel so that we can get into Cage's mind and uncover the methods that deem a mating process dignified. The celebrity actor thinks that fish and birds copulate in a fitting manner and as such, they are a major part of his diet. Cage clearly finds his diet plan easy since he only eats what he likes.

Unsplash | Nicolas Cage's diet consists mainly of bird meat and fish
Given this new piece of information about his diet, we can almost visualize Cage browsing through the food menu at a restaurant while looking for mating videos of the animals on the menu before deciding what to eat. That would be epic but unsurprising at this point. He may also know them all by heart.
It’s still baffling how he managed to stumble upon fish in action, and what criteria he used in deciding what was dignifying. Understanding Nicolas Cage isn’t easy, and in the end, birds and fishes are still great sources of protein.